AT THIS TIME: This ministry has been put on hold as we figure out how to move forward during the Covid pandemic.
Ministries of charity and justice are important to Hollywood UMC. Being the hands and feet of Christ, we demonstrate care and concern for those less fortunate. Help make a difference in these lives, as we reinvent our Homeless Program.
Please contact Pastor Bridie to get involved.
Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)
Coordinates housing and services for homeless and at-risk of homeless families and individuals in Los Angeles County. For more information or to get help you can call the hotline at 213-225-6581 or visit the website.

Donations of these items can be brought to the church campuses during Sunday worship services or dropped off at the church office of the Hollywood campus on Monday through Thursday between 10am and 3pm.
For more information, please contact us at homelessministry@hollywoodumc.org.
Since the 1980s, Hollywood United Methodist Church has offered a ministry of hospitality to persons living with HIV/AIDS. Red ribbons adorn both of our campuses, proclaiming we are a sanctuary of hope and love.
From the outset of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Hollywood UMC supported The NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt. And HUMC has continued its support, which includes outreach efforts for the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, The Wall/Las Memorias, the Serra Project and Project Angel Food. Since 2005, HUMC members participate in "Strike Out AIDS" at Dodger Stadium, joining hundreds of others in raising awareness of HIV/AIDS. Also, HUMC sends a team to take part in the AIDS Walk Los Angeles.
For those person living with HIV/AIDS and for their families, pastoral counseling and referrals to supportive services are available. For more information, contact Senior Pastor Kathy Cooper-Ledesma at revkathy@hollywoodumc.org.
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