
Lent Bible Study 

 Wednesday @ 6pm
Location: Hollywood Campus – Grant Hall
Contact: Rev. Hannah

Wednesdays in Lent, beginning March 12th, Rev. Hannah will lead a Bible study on campus following along with our sermon series Everything [in] Between.

Click this link for more information.


Community Groups

 Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursdays @ 7pm
Location: Various locations (please see below)
Contact: Email us

Community Groups on-going

Click this link for specific dates and locations


 Growing Through Grief

Growing through Grief

Experiences of grief are common to all of us, but there are some losses in life that challenge us with an intensity of grief that exceeds what we feel we can bear. There is help for us as we cope with grief, and participating in a “Growing through Grief” group is one of the ways.

Please email for more information, or to request a personal time with a Pastor, please email our prayer team.

Click this link for specific dates and locations